Podcasting 101

Podcasting can be defined as a digital medium that subsists of audio (and sometimes video) episodes that all correlate to a specific theme chosen by the host. These hosts are introduced to as the “podcasters.” In contrary to the difficulty of starting on other forms of media, a podcast is fairly simple to create. 

 In contrast to broadcasting and webcasting, the content of podcasts is published and transmitted differently through the web. Alternatively, podcasts send audio content directly to an iPod or other MP3 player instead of a central audio stream. They are usually available as a series of pre-recorded radio-talk shows that enables their listeners to download onto their chosen devices. Podcasters typically publish episodes on a regular set schedule and are given the luxury of not having to follow a strict structure when creating their podcast as there is no prescribed format, length or style for creating a podcast. 

 Commonly, well-structured podcasts have four criteria in common. Firstly, confirming if the podcast is well organised beforehand so that the episode doesn’t end up going far too off topic. Secondly, the episode should be coherent, displaying a clear message that the audience could understand. A smooth flow amongst the spoken topics within the episode is important as well. Lastly, your audience should know what to expect in each episode, this would be noted with the title of the episode. 

 There is a wide variety of podcast platforms used by a lot of people. Common examples of these are Spotify, The podcast app, Story board and Soundcloud. Spotify is an all-in-one podcasting platform for its users. This is due to the fact that you can create, grow, distribute and monetize your podcast from the app or their website, all for free. The episodes created by their users can automatically be published to Spotify and can easily be distributed to other platforms. 

 The podcast app was released by apple in 2012. The app allows you to have millions of podcasts at your fingertips with it being free. You can submit a show to Apple via an RSS feed that's hosted by a third-party hosting provider. Alternatively, you can participate in the Apple Podcasters Program and create a show in Apple Podcasts Connect. Story board is a private podcasting platform for organizations and enterprises. The teams could record and share their audio in private secure channels to streamline internal communications to be able to boost employee engagement. Lastly, Soundcloud is one of the largest open audio platforms. It is powered by a connected community of creators, listeners and curators similar to the other podcast platforms, Soundcloud allows their users to use their platform freely to create podcasts. 

 To conclude beginning a journey within the podcasting industry, definitely provides a wide range of opportunities for not only the creators but the audience as well. Through this guide, we've discovered the fundamental aspects of podcasting, from conceptualisation to production and distribution. Keep in mind, while the technical aspects are essential, authenticity, passion, and consistent effort are the true driving forces behind a successful podcast. Whether it is to entertain, educate or have the ambition to connect with your chosen niche audience, podcasting is an accessible medium within the digital landscape.